The Prophet (pbuh) said that the sunnah to nikah. And those who ignore my Sunnah are not my followers.
However, the special marriage is made mandatory in the field. When the marriage ends, half of the servants are full. The greatest blessing of a believer is that of a noble wife.

Allah Subhanah Tayala said, "People of the world, marry women as you like."

Now millions of girls in the world. Who will marry? Who are you fit Think about this thing a little bit?

Remember one thing, external beauty never brings happiness in the world. If you could, Tapan, Bandhana, Mithila, Pravaha, Apu, Habib, Tahsan, Jaisiya, Salman, they are the happiest people in the world.

In the case of the election of God, Allahpak said, "Do not marry fornication or adultery."

Narrated by Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah (pbuh) said, when you see the girl generally see four things. 1) Whether there is a girl's money, 2) What is the dynasty, 3) Is the girl beautiful? 4) Do not believe in daughters? But I said to Rasulullah (pbuh) saying that girl will give her the highest importance to see if she is not afraid? If the girl is a believer, please make it one-sided. "

So, it means that if you want to get married then you must marry the daughter of a din. If you are a believer then you will marry the believing daughter. If you want to make the family happy, presently modern women, or boys, national crashes, exclude the children who do not have a headache when they see them.

Love before marriage is absolutely forbidden and forbidden. And the person you are in love with does not guarantee that she will marry you. So leave all these illegal relations completely before marriage.

At the time of marriage, certainly, take the opinion of the Guardian. It was narrated from Abu Musa As Sadi (R), "The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said," Without marriage, without a guardian "means that any marriage other than guardian is illegal. Whether it is a quote marriage or a romantic marriage As long as the girl's father does not take the girl out of your hands, the girl is unlawful for you. And the guardians know how a boy or a girl is right for you. You have no real experience from them. Do not do any work by painting them. Because, in verse 24 of Sura Lokman, Godpak said, "I have commanded man to be good with parents."

And the advice of the guardian in marriage is mentioned in the Qur'an in the great Allah.

God Almighty said, "Marry your guardian and marry with a mocha."

In marriage, the bride must marry a mohar. It is forbidden to take any money from the father of the girl, forbidden, forbidden. And as long as the wife does not pay the seal, the wife is also forbidden to you. And in the case of Dahamohara obstruction, please take the boy's opinion. Do not charge them the burden of the dower. Rasulullah (pbuh) also said, "That marriage is the best that is the lowest cost of marriage"

If you want to be happy in your family life, you must marry in Islamic law. You have to be a believer before. God will not fulfill this hope that you love four or five, will destroy their chastity and find a holy girl during the marriage. He will make a believer of the believer as the companion of a believer. Because Allah is the Judge.

May Allah show us the right way. Reveal mercy to all. (Amin)